Google is the master of the universe, the all-seeing-eye, the all-knowing, the ask-and-you-shall-receive–essentially, if Google was a person, they’d be the most interesting person in the world. But Google is so much more than just a search function, in fact, it’s got a bunch of hidden features that none of us knew about (…those who did know about it, shhh. No one likes a know-it-all!)
Google can actually do a lot more than give you answers for “My dog ate his own poop. What do I do?”
Here are some things that Google can do that will make your inner tech geek dance:

1. Google Hgrams:

Book worms and word aficionados, this one’s for you! This research tool lets you look up how many times particular words show up in more than five million books that have been written since the 1800s. This allows you to see how or when some words get increasingly more popular, or not, over time.

2. Google Translations:

Yeah, I’m sure you all know that Google had a translation function, but did you know that there’s an easier way to go about searching for it? All you have to do is type in the word in the language you know, so for example, translate orange to arabic and POOF, you speak another language.

3. Google Nutrition Comparison Search:

Now, you can compare apples to oranges with Google’s comparison search. You can find out the difference in nutritional values between two different things by typing : compare ____ to ____. Awesome for people trying to lose or maintain weight.

4. Google Mars:

So, Google now let’s you chat with an alien on Mars…Okay fine, it’s a chat bot, but whatever it’s still rad! It allows you to roam the red planet and witness Mars, which is super awesome in and of itself.

5. Google Flight:

Alright, so my mind was entirely blown because I was frantically looking for tickets to France this summer and I was pulling my hair out because the ticket prices were more than what my life is worth (seriously, ridiculous), until my friend told me about the Google Flight search. Lo and behold, Google came to the rescue and gave me the absolute lowest prices available. Point is: Google Flight is the best thing ever, and if you’re an avid traveler, it’ll come to very good use.

6. Google Can Track Any Flight:

Instead of having to trek all the way to the airline’s website and search a flight that way, all you have to do is type in the airline and flight number and it will track the flight down!

7. Exclude Search Terms:

Google is pretty good for honing in on what you’re searching for, but sometimes it throws in useless searches. Lessen it by using the – (minus sign) in front of whatever word you want to exclude. So, if for example you’re looking for puppies, but not websites that sell puppies, search: puppies -sales.

8. Google Sky:

So, you know how there’s a Google Earth? Yeah, well there’s a Google Sky and it’s even more fascinating. This is for those times you want to feel like an insignificant bug smeared on the window pane of the universe.

9. Fly using Google Earth:

Instead of roaming the Earth like the rest of us peasants, fly by pushing CTRL + Alt + A (Command + Option + A for Mac) and picking your flight of choice…like an awesome fighter jet.

10. Browse Classic Book Titles:

Google let’s you browse some classic books before you go off and buy them. You can flip through a few pages and see if you like the story and writing style!


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